Monday, January 16, 2012

Women Business Owners - Email Etiquette

Along with texting and websites, email is one of the most common ways many people communicate now days so, I wanted to share some tips to help others keep from inadvertently adding the email address of their friends and colleagues to a spammers list.

Yesterday I received an email that had been sent out to 1500 contacts with everyone’s name displayed on the email.  I have no idea what the contents of this email were as I got tired of scrolling through all the names to get to the body of the email.  When sending out an email to more than one person the sender should send out each recipients name as Bcc (which stands for blind copy).  This does a couple of things, it keeps the receiver from having to scroll through tons of names to get to the body of your email and two it prevents the list of emails addresses sent in your message from being harvested for spam. 

My last comment probably provided you with an Aha moment.  If an email is being sent with all those names over and over again, it’s bound to hit a computer owned by someone who either is not aware they have mal or spyware or they do not maintain their system.  Malware and spyware on the computer of those who forget to BCC out their emails is one of the many ways your email address can be harvested from someone else’s computer. 

To Your Success
Tina Fermin
JAWIB Social Media Chair
Tweet JAWIB - JordanAreaWIB

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